Introduction to Ayurveda Workshop
Introduction to Ayurveda workshop:
A bright spring welcome to this introduction to Ayurveda!
Ayurveda is the science of life and the sister science to yoga. They go hand in hand flowing with the seasons and invite us to be present and aware of our diet & lifestyle choices.
Yoga, Body massage & Ayurvedic herbs are three further factors that make up the Ayurvedic principals, which can be explored a in follow up workshops.
When the doshas (energies within the body) become imbalanced ayurveda believes illness shows up in the body. This can be witnessed in so many ways.
The aim of Ayurveda is to draw the body back to equilibrium. By following Ayurvedic principals we can help ourselves have a healthy Agni and retain balance within body mind and soul.
This workshop will begin with a short visualisation on the elements, to help you understand them within you and around you, bringing you back to the whole (all one)
We will continue to explore
· 3 doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. From here we can understand how they influence our being.
· 5 Elements. We will look at the elements associated with each dosha and how the different seasons can enhance or disrupt our doshas.
· The importance of Vikriti & Prakriti and why it matters
· Short questionnaire to establish your Vikriti (what doshas you are currently experiencing)
· Agni (our digestive fire) Ayurveda believes good health starts with a healthy gut. We will be looking at a weak and strong Agni and how we can support it.
· Ama (toxins) How they accumulate in the body and how we can help eliminate them.
· We will explore the 6 tastes in relation to the doshas. With this knowledge you can make informed food choices.
· Exploring the Gunas. Food and the spirt. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas for more informed food choices.
· Discover Ayurvedic detox herbs & Ayurvedic products for a healthy Agni.
We will conclude our session with a deeply restorative yoga nidra relaxation.
I hope this introduction will give you an insight into ayurveda and inspire you to weave some ayurvedic principles into your life.
Kind regards
Tarini Prem Devi
To book: head to the ‘Yoga’ page of our website or the Mindbody app.