A deliciously empowering sensual self love ceremony to embody your feminine essence, boost your body confidence, indulge in devotional body-worship & turn the dial up for more pleasure. Join a sensual revolution, together with sisterhood, and explore what it feels like to express your sexuality & erotic essence, and to deepen your self relationship in a safe space. We all carry so much shame baggage when it comes to our bodies (especially women) and expressing our sensuality feels like a struggle for too many of us, so this intimate & fun slumber party will support you in owning more of your feminine power through pleasure practices, sensual movement, and sharing circle. Dress in anything that makes you feel your best sensual self, or whatever feels the most comfortable. Bring a journal & pen.
Fiona McCoss is a women's empowerment mentor, a feminine embodiment facilitator, and a pleasure, sex & sensuality activist. She supports women in becoming the fullest, most unapologetic version of themselves by remembering & reconnecting with their authentic wild feminine essence through their bodies. IG: @fionamccoss // W: